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Talk Today
Suicide prevention in sports settings
This program, which is bilingual in Quebec, enables players in the Quebec Major Junior Hockey League (QMJHL) to develop their knowledge of mental health, discuss subjects that are sometimes taboo, share personal reflections, learn about available resources and challenge certain prejudices about mental health or seeking help. What’s more, the workshops put each team in touch with local mental health resources and suicide prevention centers.
CMHA-Quebec Division is proud to roll out the Talk Today program in Quebec every year, in collaboration with CMHA-Ontario Division, the Quebec Major Junior Hockey League, the Association québécoise de prévention du suicide and Quebec’s suicide prevention centers. The program was the fruit of a concerted and collaborative effort by various stakeholders, who recognized the significant needs in the field and the great potential for positive spin-offs for the players themselves, their training teams, their families and communities in general.
Awareness-raising matches (Match Days) are organized annually in winter. These events are an opportunity to raise awareness among fans about mental health promotion and suicide prevention.
Positive results
For more information, please contact
Denise Byrnes, Acting Executive Director
Canadian Mental Health Association, Quebec Division
Tel: 514-657-2106 or toll-free: 1-844-657-2106
Alex Salomie, Programs and Communications Manager
Canadian Mental Health Association, Ontario Division
Tel: 416-977-5580, ext. 4129, or toll-free: 1-800-875-6213
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